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Wednesday, January 04, 2006 

My Newest Body Part!

It's a well known fact that I have desired, almost ferociously, an iPod for quite a frustratingly long time.But with my own personal funds, it is just beyond a thick highly impenetrable line. But till I do actually get one, I now have atleast something on the same lines to stay content with.Though nowhere near the looks of an iPod nano, and a mere 256 MB of storage space, this mp3 player I now have, has outstanding sound quality. It's an NTG [for those illiterate souls, thats a short for napster-to-go ] mp3 player.And it's quite sleek and has pretty decent finishing touches to it. Though ofcourse, the major, and one of its very few drawbacks, has already been highlighted: ONLY 256 MB!. I mean we are talking of a mere 50-55 songs!That is not even close to my minimum requirements! But, atleast till I own an iPod, it's a good-enough deal.
Oh, and by the way, for those who haven't heard her yet, I would reccomend the latest album by Carrie Underwood: the 2005 American Idol. Boy!AI can't wait for the 2006 season to begin!That show used to give a few good laughs, the way the participants were insulted!!

The Secret Whisperer