Tuesday, February 28, 2006 

The World is getting weirder by the second!

I mean, seriously, dudes, how on earth can a country be "unknown"??? And it's not like that a hidden IP address cannot be decoded even for the country! It's not like they are making new countries everyday, are they? Weird!

Monday, February 27, 2006 

Wooo Hooo! I'm finally elgible to drive legally throughtout the national territory of India!!!!!

There it is! After months and months and months of desperate hopefulness, and after months of not-getting-time-to-go-to-the-frigging-transport-authority, I have finally got my Driving license made!!!. For the past few days, I had very determinely-planned that no matter what happens, I will get my drivers license made this monday!, even if I have to bunk my college for that 1 day. And so I did, and finally went to the transport authority to get my license made, and thougyh I was very very confident by the time I had reached the authority, and quite determined, but I started to get nervous as I communicated with other fellow creatures who were also in que to give the test, because almost every body over there today was giving the test for the 2nd, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or the N-th time, having flunked it before.And after listening too these incidents, I had practically given up hope of walking away with the license today itself. but by the time my turn actually came, I had reagined my momentous determination, and when the inspector told me to get my car ahead and drive wherever he told, I told myself under my breath, "I am not leaving this place today without my drivers license".And guess what happenned?I did not leave the place without my license!!. So that's that.And I have been pretty ecstatic about this whole thing today, [please, you don't expect me to be otherwise, do you? ]. So the only thing retty much left to say is:
I've finally got my license made!

Friday, February 24, 2006 

OK Fine.I have resolved some issues.//So let's just move on from here. || I'm Back

So, as I had internally prophecized, the hiatus, per se, didn't last very long.Quite to the contrary, it cannot actually be labelled under the highly influential term Hiatus. So anyway.I have been trying to find a good web hosting service, without being bad to my pocket.And it was quite surprising, why I didn't realize this before: I didn't think about my ingenious programming skills, when I was having trouble with some stuff I would have been better of without. And after that brainstorm of an idea, I finally did use them, and now I have a website, after all, at www.sumedhprasad.com, which, unlike before, wouldn't just redirect to this blog you happen to be currently reading. Although, it would link to this blog, and I advise you, mark those words there, sonnies, I advise you, to still come to this blog THROUGH THE LINK ON THAT WEBSITE. Because that website address is relatively permanent.And if I decide to sometimes change this blog's address, I wouldn't go around informing everyone like before.So just go to www.sumedhprasad.com, and click wherever you see "blog" written. Allthough, that website is still under construction.The page you see right now is just a temporary one, to serve the purpose untill the website is fully constructed. So that's that.

Ok, although these are veru common these days, but still they never fail to put a smile on many-a-people's faces.So I thought I would list it here anyway:!
LAW OF QUEUE: If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now. LAW OF TELEPHONE: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one. LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch. LAW OF THE WORKSHOP: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner. LAW OF THE ALIBI: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat tire. BATH THEOREM: When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings. LAW OF ENCOUNTERS: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. LAW OF THE RESULT: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will! LAW OF BIOMECHANICS: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach. THEATRE RULE: People with the seats at the furthest from the aisle arrive last. LAW OF COFFEE: As soon as you sit down for a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

Enjoy, and leave behind your comments!:

Thursday, February 23, 2006 

UnProphecized Hiatus

This is for the notice of the blog-readers of this weblog, that its writer/author is going on a hiatus. I may return in 1 day.I may not even return in 1 year. Donot expect me to reply to emails either.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 

Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get

Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get
George Bernard Shaw
When you've awed yourself upto infinity, after reading his marvellously true sayings, you again encounter a new one, and that quote leaves you, more oft than not, more awed than the previous time too. Such is the power of Bernard Shaw's quotes, his plays, and his writing in summation.One of the most illustriously magnificent writers of all time, indeed. But this particular quote is really so true for everyone.Almost all of us can attatch ourselves, and our lives to this quote.ALmost all of us, have atleast, in one small way or another, or in a big way, has come to a crossroad where we have to make tough choices.And sometimes, due to whatever reasons, we donot chose what we wanted to, what we would have loved to, and the end result is exactly what this quote says: we have to love what we chosen, instead! Such is the humoungous role that destiny plays in our lives.In all of ours' lives.Each and everyone of us, with rare exceptions, must have used the termed destiny, to describe a particular unwanted, or maybe even a wanted event or occurance in our lives. We are, each one of us, destined to our own unique fate.And though all our fates have a common ending, that of death, but it's the varying roads that lead to that death, is what we are destined to. But destiny, as far as I believe, is not absoulte.It always leaves for us a choice.Oft enough, a difficult choice. And it is in these moments of truth, when this particular piece of quotation of George Bernard Shaw, comes into life, hitting us with the hard reality of taking a decision. Indeed, it is here, that we must do what we would like to, what we would love to, or about which we might have dreamt.But oft it happens, that we donot take that path.And it is in such a happenning, which we have all experienced, we have to start liking whatever path we ARE on.Even if that is a path of thorns. And then comes the stage of repentance, when we start repenting our missed oppurtunities, oppurtunities to walk a path of rose petals, which we did not chose.


Out And Ready now...[after a long time, eh?]

It's been almost two whole months now, and I hadn't been getting time to fully compile the full album, but now I've finally done, it, and here it is: The complete photo-gallery blog of My Trip To Kerala Is Out Now, And All You Have To Do, Is just Lazily enough, CLICK ON THIS LINK. So the complete gallery is out, with almost 288 pictures. P.S.For Those of you who haven't read the blog post about the trip, click Here...

So finished with the Physics minor also today.now just two more minors left: both tomorrow.Let's see how they go :-)

Sunday, February 19, 2006 

Walks help

After a really long long time, the weather is really really pleasent these days.Especially today in the evening, it was beautifull.With a very light breeze blowing through the hair, and all that combined with beautiful chirping of birds (and quacking of peacocks:( ), is really an awesomely relaxing combination. So I went for a walk after a very very long time, today.But that was preceeded with a short (almost ritualistic) visit to Barista, for a cup of coffee to wake up my senses). It [the walk], really helped in relaxing my nerves and improving my mood.Though even the cause of my bad mood is not very affirmatively clear to me, but that's [momentarily, atleast], history for now. Anyways, so after months and months and months today, inspired by the nice weather outside, I opened my rooms windows, letting the weather to come in equilibrium with all the negative energies and vibes that my room has been accumulating, in the biting winter.

As I was coming back from my walk right now, I had a usual small chat with the gatekeeper of my new house.[My new house is just 50 odd steps away from my current house, and it's in the same lane, although it's almost 4 times the size of my current one :P!!! ].Anyway, what was I saying?Aah...yes.I had a nice chat with the gatekeeper.Now, it so happenns, that I have known this gatekeeper for almost 4/5 years now, [since I had moved into my current house], and he used to give a nice friendly nod and a few words whenever I had crossed the director's lodge over these 4/5 years.Anyway, coming to my point, then.Yeah, and the situation had come to such a point once, that I had almost started to categorize him under being nosey in not-his-affairs, to put it kindly enough.I had almost started to wish that I would not encounter him the next time I go by that house's curve.But I did. But the most amazing part is that I had never imagined, that one day, I am myself going to move into that house, and he's going to be my gatekeeper! But he's a really nice person.He's quite sweet, and sometimes says very inspiring words too! He has served the Indian army as a paratrooper [as he tells me], so I say that must be quite an experience too! Anyway, now I am about to get back to Transformers, as I have 2 exams tomorrow: 1)Electrical Sciences and 2)Group and Co-operative Processes.. Take Care all of you, then!



My first minor exams start tomorrow. And I'm getting a very queer feeling.For a few days, it has been growing, now it's almost getting bugging. I am not able to concentrate on anything. I don't feel like doing anything. Maybe coz its partly because of the fact that I am about to shift in a few days? Or maybe it's something completely different.Dunno, really. i feel angry and depressed and sad and energetic and murderous all at the same time. Dunno//

Saturday, February 18, 2006 

A very Grim Warning

Courtesy The Herald Sun LONDON -- The Earth is on a fast track to global warming, scientists have warned. And warming has led to a massive increase in the amount of ice flowing into the sea. Greenhouse gases are being released 30 times faster than the emissions that led to a period of extreme global warming 55 million years ago, the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual conference in St Louis was told yesterday. Temperatures around the planet shot up by 5C after a huge release of carbon dioxide and methane gases over 10,000 years. But the same amount of carbon is expected to be released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels in the next 300 years, California University researchers said.

Photo Courtesy NASA
The conference also heard the quantity of ice coming off Greenland's glaciers into the Atlantic had almost doubled in the past five years. There are fears that experts may have significantly underestimated how much sea levels could rise as a result. The study is the first to examine the rate of change in glaciers to establish how much ice is being lost from Greenland. The Greenland Ice Sheet – a mass of glacial ice and snow covering 1.9 million sq km – is twice the size of France and Germany put together. It could raise the global sea level by 7m if it melted entirely. In the past 20 years, air temperature in southeast Greenland has risen by 3C. Eric Rignot, of the California Institute of Technology, said Greenland could be contributing as much as 0.5mm to the global sea-level rise each year. Details of the study were also published yesterday in the journal . Last September, American experts warned if trends continued, the summertime Arctic Ocean could be ice-free by the end of the century. A recent British report warned that melting ice could increase sea levels by 12m unless temperatures stabilised.

Photo Courtesy Oregan university

Friday, February 17, 2006 


They Say an Image Speaks louder than words.This one practically shouts out aloud.

Thursday, February 16, 2006 

Are you a Pro Photographer and need a really good uploading client, providing loads of free space?Read on:

I have tried many-a-different packages and companies and websites, trying to find the best place and method of uploading my high-quality photographs, without having to compensate on their quality and their size. Most companies, if not all, will ask you for a finite payment to be made, in order to keep your original quality/size, or will resize/damadge your photographs while uploading them. Including blogger's "Hello", which has a maximum resolution limit of 1024 pixels. But one fine day, I had pondered upon ZOTO, and ever since, I have been using it most faithfully.It keeps your original image size, along with options of loads of other sizes, provides with live javascripts for your latest-uploaded photos to be shown on your blog[see my middle-right sidebar], provides 2GB of free storage space per account, and provides zillions of other cool features such as smarttagging, geotagging [registered trademarks and copyrights exist for those terms], etc. etc. So if you really want to take my advice, forget flickr, forget imageshack, forget imageavenue, and go for Zoto!. And believe me, I am not getting paid an ounce for writing this post by them. If you want to have a look around My Zoto account, you can either click on the "My Photos III" link on my menu [top-left], or click on any of my recent uploads [thumbnails on mid-right sidebar], or simply click HERE TO BROWSE THROUGH My photos. What's more, (as if an icing on an already freezing cake!), they provide with full copyrights for all of your images!. Go Ahead, Try it out today! [You can also get a 5GB account by paying a very minmal fees!].

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 

No Joking Matter this, folks!

Click for more options
This is not a fancy public park, dudes and dudettes! This is one small portion of my my own house's garden. Or should I rather say my to-be house.We'll likely shift by the beginning of march, and till I get more detailed photos for you lads, enjoy this sneek-peek!

Monday, February 13, 2006 

What a JIITian has to suffer through each day:

One of my college buildings :) .It's about time I posted a pic for it, isn't it?

Sunday, February 12, 2006 

Epitome of Absurdity ?

On a nice, pleasent Saturday morning, I get up early in the morning, courtesy my wake up alarm of Guns n Roses's Civil War, get ready with a supersonic speed, and travel all the way to my college, which is a pleasent 26/27 kilometers away, only to travel all of that distance back, withing 20 minutes of reaching there.

Absurd madness!

. What happenned was simply this: that upon reaching there, some senior tells us that we won't have any classes today.First, I took it as a mockery, because sometimes seniors do that to juniors, but upon confirming from the registrar's office, I saw the notice (which had been put up yesterday), saying that all the classes in LT-2 and LT-3 (LT=Lecture Theater), will remain suspended.And I, have all of my lectures in LT-2. Under normal circumstances, I would have categorized this incident into a lucky category, but when you travel 54 odd kilometers to discover it, it is NOT funny!.

Saturday, February 11, 2006 

My Newest Posessions.
I hope I find some time to actually go through their depths.Having 8 courses in a semester and barely 8 hours of free time a day, it's not going to be very very easy, though!


Spintronics, Parineeta, and laplacians...

Life moves on, as it has always done.And as it does so, a frequent irritant comes in the way : examinations. So my first minors are about to come, [on 20th, 21st, and 22nd], and preperations for them are starting up and gathering momentum. Momentum. Speaking of which, I had a long hearty discussion with Prof. Purohit today [ok, he's an associate professor, but same thing], about a question that has been irking me for a little while now: Somebody had put forward the question, that if a current is flowing through a conductor, and if I break the conductor, why wouldn't the electron, having some finite momentum, obey the law of inertia, and drop out of that conductor? [If you look at it analogously, if you are running into a wall at a great speed, the moment you collide with the wall, you don't stop at that same instant.1st law and 3rd law combined]. But after the discussion, we mutually reached a conclusion, that the drift velocity of the elctron, is in itself, very very small [of the order of 1 to 2 cms. per second], and this small drift velocity, when multiplied with the electron's mass, gives a momentum, whose energy is nowhere near the work function of any metal. It also involves a little bit of spintronics, a newly-emerging field, where the spin of the elctron is continously monitored and took into account with its other attributes. Anyway, but what is important, is that the former concept, of elctron-falling-due-to-inertia, can actually be achieved in nanotechnology, where a conductor with a very small work function can be developed. Anyhow.That was that. The rest od the days past as usual, with me returning from college around about 6-ish, having coffee at barista [almost daily, which now I will have to consciously reduce!], and then mostly just trying to get some work done. Today, however, I started revising electrodynamics, which, if you have done, and have encountered the laplacian operator, you would know that it can be a dear friend!

For the past few days, I have become grossly obsessed with a few songs from the movie parineeta, which, I think you would agree with me, has had one of the best collections of music that any recent hindi movies have had.Especially the songs Soona man kaa angan, and Raat Hamari toh, and piyu bole, are extremely beautiful. And there is something about these songs, that makes you listen to them over and over and over again, and still a million more times.With all the melodious melting of different key signatures and bases, there is something in them which shouts aloud of their uniqueness.almost like Mona Lisa, with depths of sadness hidden behind a mask of beauty, serenity, and joy.Which shouts with its muting silence to those who can realize it.Which wants to tell a story, but is unable to translate it into words. Sadness, which almost wants to describe beauty

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 

Where Ghosts Dwell and Spirits Soar.

I am almost convinced that my room is haunted. Today morning, I had seen a very important piece of paper kept on my table, which I had done last night. It was the reciept of my mobile phone, which had to be taken to the service centre to get it repaired, since the phone was still under the warranty period. I had gone to my bathroom, and when I came back, the piece of paper was gone.missing.disappeared into thin air.vanished.completely vanished. I subsequently spent almost an hour trying to find that piece of paper, trying to convince myself that human memory is a very unpredictable memory storage device, that sometimes our brain signals decieve us, and sometimes some small bits of information are temporarily blocked.And i tried to pursuade myself that i must have put that piece of paper somewhere, and I would find it. Now the door of my room was locked, so obviously the paper could not have gone outside. And I searched each and every single bit of land, air, and water vapour inmy room, to absolutely zilch avail. I had opened up all the drawers, took out every bit of paper, rummaged everything in my room [which, by the way, I had spent 3 hourse cleaning yesterday]. But The Paper WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.

Now you tell me, what will YOU infer from this?


Electronic door opener hack brings laziness to new heights - Engadget

There are some crazy theorists out there who conjecture that we spend more time and work on creating time saving devices than it would ever take to perform the task in the first place, but as we said, those guys are crazy -- either that, or they're just jealous of Alexandre Novello and his l33t hax0r skills. It seems Alexandre grew tired of walking across the room to open the door for people, so he wrote himself some software and hooked up to the door's electronic opener via a hardware switch and a parallel port. Sounds like a nice calorie saving scheme he's got going, keep on slacking hard Alex!
Read More!

Monday, February 06, 2006 

I don't know if an Agnostic is suppossed to...

Technically speaking, I am not sure if an Agnostic is allowed to pray or not. But, I just feel like writing this verse, as it's been a long time since I last recited it:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thine shall be done, all over earth as in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive each one of those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Cause thine is, thy power, thy kngdom, and thine glory. Amen!

Friday, February 03, 2006 

Some People in Life Deserve Death

Life is a long long road, which you have to journey through, without knowing the destination.You make this journey mostly alone, with circumstantial contemporary company at sometimes.And this company, is as diverse, as the forms of life, and as the different topographies in the world.You like some, don't care about most, and hate the rest of these people.I call them "circumstantial", because sooner or later, they will part from you...either overtake you, or choose a different path of many on offer.Some partings are goodbyes and the others a "Good-Riddance". All people start the road of life almost from the same point, but some go wrong.Terribly wrong at some point or the other.But more often than not, [maintaining the analogy of the road], they go wrong from the very beginning, due to lack of proper guidance.A small child is like an unexperienced driver in a strange country, unaware of the roads.And without proper guidance, he more often than not chooses the wrong road. And such is life, that a wrong road once chosen, is very difficult to leave, simply because of the complicated maze it is. And when by misfortune, someone encounters such a lost soul on his own road, he starts of by trying [level depending upon the lost traveller], to make him realize that he is in a bad twist.But then the nerves sart to get irked, and the person cannot be blamed in wishing a quick riddance from such a person, lest he should pull him along in the wrong direction [magnetic induction?] with himself. I have had the misfortune of meeting one such particular soul on my own road.A soul who is intricately embedded into a vicious circle of misinformation and misunderstanding: about himself, life, the world around him, his purpose, his duties, and more than all that, his behaviour and etiquettes. The name of the person is Harsh, which actually brings a smirk to my face, because all the "Harsh"'s I have had the fortune [place a mis- before that] of knowing, have deviated and digressed from conformed social paths of etiquettes on that same road of life. This particular individual unfortunately travels with me to and fro college, in a car pool. And he is actually an epitome of digression from normality of individuals.I donot remember the medical term of describing such people, though I am pretty sure that there is one, which my cousin [who is a doctor], told me once.It's a kind of a mental paranoia, wherein the individual thinks no end of himself without realizing that the truth is something very much in the contrary direction. He is a person who is sexually obsessed, [vulgarly and obscenely so], and thinks that girls will ever be attracted to an almost-illiterate, ill-mannered, heartless and crude individual like himself.It's actually very surprising, because the image he prtrais to the world betrays his lack of primary education, lack of parental education, and lack of any least signs of common sense.A person, who, if you happen to talk to him, will convince you that he holds a PhD in vulgar and crude obscene abuses, mostly related to taboo family-related topics. A person who burns his parents money, comes to a private college, and goes back with an absolute zilch of brainly-wealth. A person who I almost wish I had never ever had the oppurtunity to meet. But such is the road of life, always taking unexpected turns.

P.S.[Update]: I just discovered today, [quite shockingly so], that this creature was actually born on A FRIDAY THE 13th!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006 

i'll be a good medical specimen

  • Dysenfunctional brain.
  • weird pains in my shoulder no one seems to have ever experienced
  • overdose of adrenaline
  • weird leg problem ever since the knee-muscle-avulsion, which doesn't seem to be in a moodto recover!
  • sudden un-announced outburst of acne, just when I don't need them
  • extra-short temper for irritable people!
And the list goes on...[will add to it when i get more time!]

The Secret Whisperer