Some People in Life Deserve Death
Life is a long long road, which you have to journey through, without knowing the destination.You make this journey mostly alone, with circumstantial contemporary company at sometimes.And this company, is as diverse, as the forms of life, and as the different topographies in the world.You like some, don't care about most, and hate the rest of these people.I call them "circumstantial", because sooner or later, they will part from you...either overtake you, or choose a different path of many on offer.Some partings are goodbyes and the others a "Good-Riddance". All people start the road of life almost from the same point, but some go wrong.Terribly wrong at some point or the other.But more often than not, [maintaining the analogy of the road], they go wrong from the very beginning, due to lack of proper guidance.A small child is like an unexperienced driver in a strange country, unaware of the roads.And without proper guidance, he more often than not chooses the wrong road. And such is life, that a wrong road once chosen, is very difficult to leave, simply because of the complicated maze it is. And when by misfortune, someone encounters such a lost soul on his own road, he starts of by trying [level depending upon the lost traveller], to make him realize that he is in a bad twist.But then the nerves sart to get irked, and the person cannot be blamed in wishing a quick riddance from such a person, lest he should pull him along in the wrong direction [magnetic induction?] with himself. I have had the misfortune of meeting one such particular soul on my own road.A soul who is intricately embedded into a vicious circle of misinformation and misunderstanding: about himself, life, the world around him, his purpose, his duties, and more than all that, his behaviour and etiquettes. The name of the person is Harsh, which actually brings a smirk to my face, because all the "Harsh"'s I have had the fortune [place a mis- before that] of knowing, have deviated and digressed from conformed social paths of etiquettes on that same road of life. This particular individual unfortunately travels with me to and fro college, in a car pool. And he is actually an epitome of digression from normality of individuals.I donot remember the medical term of describing such people, though I am pretty sure that there is one, which my cousin [who is a doctor], told me once.It's a kind of a mental paranoia, wherein the individual thinks no end of himself without realizing that the truth is something very much in the contrary direction. He is a person who is sexually obsessed, [vulgarly and obscenely so], and thinks that girls will ever be attracted to an almost-illiterate, ill-mannered, heartless and crude individual like himself.It's actually very surprising, because the image he prtrais to the world betrays his lack of primary education, lack of parental education, and lack of any least signs of common sense.A person, who, if you happen to talk to him, will convince you that he holds a PhD in vulgar and crude obscene abuses, mostly related to taboo family-related topics. A person who burns his parents money, comes to a private college, and goes back with an absolute zilch of brainly-wealth. A person who I almost wish I had never ever had the oppurtunity to meet. But such is the road of life, always taking unexpected turns.

Your blog is nice. You seem to be a hard thinker. Do check my blog
I need some traffic.
Posted by
α Lyrae |
2/03/2006 08:16:00 PM
Yeah, I've spotted you a couple of time's at Tushar's blog too!
He was my classmate in school.
Sure, I'll put you in my blogroll too!
Posted by
V |
2/03/2006 09:01:00 PM