Shedding a tear for Nostalgia's sake...
I don't know how, but instinctively, I just opened up a cupboard where I used to keep all of my music-manuscripts and stuff. I took out some old manuscripts, some of the time when I had started to learn violin.Some subsequent in the process. And then, I instinctively picked up my Grade-2 manuscript book.I have very fond memories of this particular book.Firstly, due to the fact that all the pieces it contains, are liked by me.Secondly, it's the book which, while being taught to me, circumstantially led to me being deprived of my Teacher.My First Teacher.My real teacher. His name is Mr. Syavoush Bairaghi.And I just cannot find words defined in the English language, which would be enough to describe my feelings for him.He was the greatest teacher I ever had.And I can almost be sure of saying that I was one of his favourite students too![though I know a teacher has no favourites, but still there are some which can be called just that]. I can almost give the world right now if by some circumstantial evidence, I could talk to him now or meet him. What happenned was that he was an Iranian.Who had settled in India and married to an Assamese.But, as far as I can accurately remember, his father was having some health problems, and, from what I was told by the music-school-authorities, he had wanted him to come back to Iran and maybe continue with a music school over there or something. He was the most awesome teacher I have ever seen.His passion for music, and for passing it on to his pupils, reflected in him in every way:from his eyes, from his movements, from his face, from his actions.Everything.He was very very patient.And he was the sort of teacher who could do anything for a good student. People have always remarked that I flew past my initial grade-manuscripts[after which my mom forced me to quit the school], extraordinarily fast.But I cannot imagine ever being able to do that is Syavoush Bairaghi Sir hadn't been with me.

Sir, if by some stroke of miracle, you happen to read this, I just want you to know that You're the best!And you really mean a LOT to me! And I hope you have a brilliant life, and achieve whatever you desire to!Because I'm sure that's what you would have wished me too, if ever we would have had a last Good-Bye! Thank you Sir, for everything!
i agree with you sumedh...some teachers are just wonderful in their approach to students and outlook towards their subject!! nice post...
n btw, ur new template is awsome :D
Posted by
Dego |
1/28/2006 12:08:00 PM
Thanks alot, Sneha!
Posted by
V |
1/28/2006 01:50:00 PM
Bairaghi sir taught me too(at dsm).He taught me theory :)............he's also my bestest teacher!!! can't I contact him by any way?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/22/2006 06:39:00 PM
Hi Ishaan!
Hey, Do I know you by any chance?It'll be sure good to contact.what's ur email id?
And no, I have been trying quite hard to find his contact details.But absolutely no one seems to be having them :(
And he taught me theory too :), as well as pracs.
So I must be knowing you, since he held only a few theory classes a week.
But be sure, that the moment I find any info. on him , I'll let you know :)
Posted by
V |
2/22/2006 09:46:00 PM
i used to come to dsm on tuesdays......bairaghi sir taught me from 2001-2003, i learned theory till the 4th grade from him. my mail ID is
glad to find this blog after googling myself crazy for a year:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/02/2006 09:45:00 PM
Mr Siyavash Bairaghi is my uncle :) I believe we have come across each other before. He is my fathers' brother... music has been in our family blood line for over 5 generations. I too have been in search of him and I share the same goal as all of you. He has a facebook account now i hope you get in contact with him. I am sure that he will be delighted and love by such kind people will bring him joy. I wish you all the best in life and in your efforts of carrying out your talents in music.
Much appreciation
Farnaz Bairaghi
Posted by
Anonymous |
12/16/2010 11:14:00 AM
Hi Farnaz
Hope you're doing well. Thanks a TONNE for the info! I just added him on Facebook.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/03/2011 07:33:00 AM
Google search on Bairaghi Music at Pune. you will find your amazing teacher. I am learning from him as well these days and chanced upon this site while googling about him. :-)
All the best.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/29/2020 08:12:00 PM