Victory Over Corrupt Shouters!
I am so very excited right now.Today, after my 3rd attempt at it, I've finally got my learner's license made! WoooHoo!Now I can drive!(legally, i.e.!).[coz I've been driving for some time anyway]. Take my word for it: If you are an India, odds are that you already know what I'm talking about, but if you aren't one, just understand this much is that getting any kind of work done from any government office, regarding anything, without having to pay a bribe, and with tolerating all of their idiotic harassment, is no less than a small victory and deserves some kind of a celebration! Ofcourse, here and there, there are some lucky people who actually escape that harassment, but believe me, they are REALLY lucky indeed! Corruptness has sunk in so deeply, and has engulfed 90% of the working population in India, irrespective of their occupation or strata.From the slightest of clerks, to the highest of offcials, money is the only universal language that people here are starting to adopt. But who cares?I've got my license today!!!!!
Trust me, the corruption runs worldwide. I had to go through my own complicated rigamarole to get my driver's licensce. I don't generally like to adhere to Murphy's law, but when it comes to obtaining privelidges from the government, I'll believe it every time.
Posted by
Eucharisto |
1/06/2006 10:17:00 AM
Yeah, I guess so.But here the thing is that not only are these people corrupt, but completely sadistic.They derive some pleasure by unnecessarily troubling other people.
But yeah, Murphy's Law indeed!
P.S.Talking of government priveledges, I still have to get my voting card made.Though I have no will power to do so.
Posted by
V |
1/06/2006 10:21:00 AM