Passing a Hiatus and breathing a Storm
Firstly, to all regular readers of this blog, (if at all there are any), I deeply and truly apologize for not posting for almost over a week.But I think you would understand that this week had been very hectic for me.
Firstly, last Saturday was a re-examination of my Math Major, since I had been medically absent during its original occurance.That same day also happenned to be the registeration day for the 2nd semester of Computer Science Engineering, a step I have taken, and taken so deeply, that it's almost impossible to retract.
So my second semester started on Monday, 9th of January, 2006.I have a total of 26 credits, summed up by 8 subjects[yes, I have not written 8 by mistake.8 subjects], which, if you are interested, happen to be the following:
. And since then, it has been the usual very-hectic 9-5 schedule, in addition with the daily up-down time taken for traversing the 26 odd kilometers!So, I am justified somewhat for not having updated! And even with that, I crashed my Windows.Umm.Actually I didn't.I crashed the GRUB pre-loader, by erasing my linux's partition, and hence was unable to access my Windows.Call it luck or purely expert handling, but my Windows XP has never crashed even once! Anyhow, I had to re-format my whole computer, re-install Fedora Core v4.0, and I spent the last 6 odd hours just to try to install my DSL drivers in Fedora Core, but to no avail whatsoever. Another incident worth recording, now that I am using this post as a diary-ish_entry, is last night's lavish Lohri Party we had yesterday, from which we returned so late that i barely got any sleep before today's college, and right now my eyes sre forcing their way open.Normally we donot celebrate Lohri per se: we just light up the bon-fire and sit near it for some time. But yesterday was Deepak bhaiyya and Gayatri bhabhi 's first Lohri after their marriage, and hence my Taya-Ji [or my Bade Papa], threw a nice little party yesterday, which was quite fun.
- Unix and Shell Programming [WL]
- 2D Graphics Workshop [WL}
- Programming Workshop [WL}
- Discrete Mathematics
- Electrical Sciences [WL]
- Digital Electronics and Logic Specification [WL]
- Group and Co-operative Processes [WL]
- Physics [WL}
PART II As I have hinted here and there previously, with small tit-bits of information, that my college doesn't have the best breed of students one may desire.Most of them are un-interested lunatics, who have a curtain over their face, and refuse to realize the importance of these four years, and the worth of a good Cumulative-Grade-Point-Average, or the CGPA.Not only that [quite frankly, I don't give a damn about the CGPA of arbid people I don't even know personally] , they are mixed with the most detestable breed of the abusers, who cannot open their mouth without overflowing the surrounding environment with sick abuses.Sick ones.They do it more out of habit that intention, but ut's nonetheless quite sick.One such person is the 3rd person comprising of the car-pool I am a part of, and hence the journey from home to college has increasingly become detestful and something I really don't look forward to.Infact, I am really looking forward to the day I get my permanent license[right now I have a learners'], and become able to take my own car to college. And then there are those people who have no guts to confront you directly, and back-bitch all the time.And they have over-active imaginations, whose figments contribute to nice little non-sensical stories, which they keep spreading as rumours. One such weird one, [which is actually quite hillarious, because it displays as an epitome, the childishness and immaturity of these stupid people], was something like this: I had started to clip my PDA to my belt for a day, and, as if they haven't seen any PDA or an electronic gadget in their lives before, one moron called it a vibrator, and decided to stick with the term.From then on, that term has been regularly joined with my name, though now except those 2/3 people, we all know who will have the last laugh! Aaah Well.I need some sleep desperately now.
hey..congrats on entering the 2nd sem!! hope u do very well in it..
nd dont think abt such morons..they r everywhere..just IGNORE with BIG I!!
Posted by
Akshay Sehgal |
1/16/2006 06:53:00 PM
Thanks alot, mate
Posted by
V |
1/17/2006 07:05:00 PM