Flirting with the Baseline
So very often, we find our lives stuck in a sort-of a thin tube...where its hard to wriggle out at a comfortable pace.We try as much as we can, but find ourselves stuck over there. And unlike the feasibility of thermal expansion intervining in the case of an actual tube, not alot can be hoped for as a contingency rescue plan. Maybe you're already confused about the relations of a very-tennis heading and a very non-tennis first parah.Believe me: so am i.But i will try to relate the two things as i go along. A couple of years back, when I was on the verge of graduating from school, I had some sort of ideas as to my to-be college life.Quite normally so, as everyone has such ideas and thoughts and images, trying to prophecize their own future and the yada yada. But things very rarely ever turn out the way you had imagined them to be, most fundamentally because our imagination is a very decieving tool: it shows you things that you want to see, and in the process of doing so, it leaves and carelessly ommits vital influencing factors, which are, mostly, the major reasons of things not being that way! Anyway, before I seem to start and digress from my point, in short, I had expected college to be much more free and much more comfortable, and much more thought-inducing, constructive, productive, and ... . And even though 1 semester has already waved goodbye, it's still very hard to cope up with the speed.I say hard.But when I say hard, I don't mean it hard as in un-doable-hard.I say it hard in the sense that we can't take it easy.we can't enjoy the sun.take a second off and ponder.we can't relax.we can't think.all we have to do is slogslogslog. With most hours within the premises of the college fly past un-noticably due the humongous continuation of lectures and labs and tutorials and what not, the remaining small amount of time left gets partitioned into travelling to-and-fro, and trying to come to terms with whatever has been taught. But that's not what I am complaining about. It's the fact that that further leads to zilch amount of time being devoted to any kinds of physical exercise, any kind of physical-rejuvination, or mental rejuvination, or any kind of hobby, or any kind of light reading, or maybe even of blogging, or having some time to burn down. And that makes you sad.Correction.That makes me sad.I don't know about you.and even if I did, I frankly and openly doubt you would feel sad for me.come on, it's a selfish world!. And then we get graciously bestowed by national holidays in between, like the Republic Day of India tomorrow.Those who know me know quite well that I don't believe in all this jingoism.But that doesn't mean that I don't like it being a holiday! But what further leads to more mental confusion is the fact that I have an oppurtunity[more like a nasty choice!] to either go to a family party[more like an outing], or stay at home, cope up with work, and just take the day off.[if any remains to be taken off, i.e,!]. I have been wanting to finish a hell-lot of books lately, but, as I said above, I have absolutely zilch time to do so.Some of which include Narziss and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse ; Coastliners by Joanne Harris ; Grantchester Grind by Tom Sharpe, etc. And, I have been wanting to play tennis also for a very very long time.I haven't played it ever since I returned from Kerala.:-( Though, such is life.