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Sunday, February 12, 2006 

Epitome of Absurdity ?

On a nice, pleasent Saturday morning, I get up early in the morning, courtesy my wake up alarm of Guns n Roses's Civil War, get ready with a supersonic speed, and travel all the way to my college, which is a pleasent 26/27 kilometers away, only to travel all of that distance back, withing 20 minutes of reaching there.

Absurd madness!

. What happenned was simply this: that upon reaching there, some senior tells us that we won't have any classes today.First, I took it as a mockery, because sometimes seniors do that to juniors, but upon confirming from the registrar's office, I saw the notice (which had been put up yesterday), saying that all the classes in LT-2 and LT-3 (LT=Lecture Theater), will remain suspended.And I, have all of my lectures in LT-2. Under normal circumstances, I would have categorized this incident into a lucky category, but when you travel 54 odd kilometers to discover it, it is NOT funny!.

The Secret Whisperer