Where Ghosts Dwell and Spirits Soar.
I am almost convinced that my room is haunted. Today morning, I had seen a very important piece of paper kept on my table, which I had done last night. It was the reciept of my mobile phone, which had to be taken to the service centre to get it repaired, since the phone was still under the warranty period. I had gone to my bathroom, and when I came back, the piece of paper was gone.missing.disappeared into thin air.vanished.completely vanished. I subsequently spent almost an hour trying to find that piece of paper, trying to convince myself that human memory is a very unpredictable memory storage device, that sometimes our brain signals decieve us, and sometimes some small bits of information are temporarily blocked.And i tried to pursuade myself that i must have put that piece of paper somewhere, and I would find it. Now the door of my room was locked, so obviously the paper could not have gone outside. And I searched each and every single bit of land, air, and water vapour inmy room, to absolutely zilch avail. I had opened up all the drawers, took out every bit of paper, rummaged everything in my room [which, by the way, I had spent 3 hourse cleaning yesterday]. But The Paper WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.
Lol. Yeah that happens a lot of times, and it is really pissing off.
Posted by
Prateek |
2/07/2006 09:14:00 PM
N u know what's the best part?
After nearly 36 hours, I still haven't found that paper!!!
Posted by
V |
2/07/2006 09:31:00 PM
Checked under the bed? :-)
Posted by
Karan |
2/08/2006 12:08:00 AM
Yup! ;)
Every single nook and corner has been checked!
Believe me, it's haunted!
Posted by
V |
2/08/2006 04:45:00 AM
maybe it slid from under the door???!?? or wat about outside the window??
...has happened wth me heaps of times...
anyways, i m sure ull find it somewhere...:)
- sneha
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/09/2006 07:50:00 AM
hey..dis has happened to me heaps of times...i know..can understnd..it is damn pissing off..but i always end up finding it somewhere....
Posted by
Akshay Sehgal |
2/09/2006 05:01:00 PM
I feel as if my whole house is haunted. Even my things go here and there on their own. Scary it is...
Posted by
α Lyrae |
2/09/2006 05:55:00 PM
lol, vega!
and no, sneha, my window remains closed in winters, and it couldn't have slid under the door!(if it would have, it would have been found!).
And yeah, Akshay, it really is very pissing.
Posted by
V |
2/09/2006 06:23:00 PM
It's obvious you have a paper-consuming poltergeist in your home. Hide your receipts. Hide your notepads. It's going to just go out of control from now on.
There's some ceremony with ink that you must perform now to repel it. Good luck!
(nice site, btw)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/17/2006 10:29:00 AM