Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get
George Bernard Shaw
When you've awed yourself upto infinity, after reading his marvellously true sayings, you again encounter a new one, and that quote leaves you, more oft than not, more awed than the previous time too.
Such is the power of Bernard Shaw's quotes, his plays, and his writing in summation.One of the most illustriously magnificent writers of
all time, indeed.
But this particular quote is really so true for everyone.Almost all of us can attatch ourselves, and our lives to this quote.ALmost all of us, have atleast, in one small way or another, or in a big way, has come to a crossroad where we have to make tough choices.And sometimes, due to whatever reasons, we donot chose what we wanted to, what we would have loved to, and the end result is exactly what this quote says:
we have to love what we chosen, instead!
Such is the humoungous role that destiny plays in our lives.In
all of ours' lives.Each and everyone of us, with rare exceptions, must have used the termed
destiny, to describe a particular unwanted,
or maybe even a wanted event or occurance in our lives.
We are, each one of us, destined to our own unique fate.And though all our fates have a common ending, that of
death, but it's the varying roads that lead to that death, is what we are destined to.
But destiny, as far as I believe, is not absoulte.
It always leaves for us a choice.Oft enough, a difficult choice.
And it is in these moments of truth, when this particular piece of quotation of George Bernard Shaw, comes into life, hitting us with the hard reality of taking a decision.
Indeed, it is here, that we
must do what we would like to, what we would love to, or about which we might have
dreamt.But oft it happens, that we donot take that path.And it is in such a happenning, which we have all experienced, we have to
start liking whatever path we ARE on.Even if that is a path of thorns.
And then comes the stage of repentance, when we start repenting our missed oppurtunities, oppurtunities to walk a path of rose petals, which we did not chose.